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Ep 91 - Crash That X

TESLA Stock price is - 370.62 -

Tesla Model X the First SUV Ever to Achieve 5-Star Crash Rating in Every Category

If you really are a crash test fanatic there is a 21 minute youtube with all the camera angles represented -


Goldman Sachs invests in wind power and will help other big brands meet their green goals

2018 Karma Revero First Drive Review

Did you know there’s an even slipperier car on the road?

First look at Tesla’s latest Autopilot 2.0 ‘smooth as silk’ update

James Hansbert received the firmware version 8.1 (17.22.46) last weekend - made a vid (13:41)

Lyft says all of its self-driving electric cars will be powered by ‘100% renewable energy’

A new book ranks the top 100 solutions to climate change. The results are surprising.

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming - $13 on Amazon (paperback or in a low carbon form: Kindle)

In a nutshell: “map, measure, and model” global warming solutions. It’s basically a reference book: a list of solutions, ranked by potential carbon impact, each with cost estimates and a short description. A set of scenarios show the cumulative potentialPaul Hawken is a legend in environmental circles. Since the early 1980s, he’s been starting green businesses, writing books on ecological commerce. President Bill Clinton called Hawken’s Natural Capitalism one of the five most important books in the world. With the help of a little funding, he and a team of several dozen research fellows set out to “map, measure, and model” the 100 most substantive solutions to climate change, using only peer-reviewed research

Take a look at the 100-solutions:

Australian grid operator to add 250 kW Tesla Powerpack for “demand response” and blackout prevention

We did it!  10% GO USA!! Make America MORE RENEWABLE, please!

Unlocking Our Nation’s Wind Potential - Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

App & Media Pick of the Week

Tesla Used Inventory site

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